5G technology to develop the mobility of tomorrow in Toulouse

A few days ago, Orange inaugurated its 5G Lab in Toulouse, France. The objective of the group is to co-develop with local companies, services and innovations that will include 5G technology.


The Orange 5G Lab is above all a test and reflection area for companies that want to integrate 5G into their technology and services.

Kawantech is developing a sensor that analyses the data received by a street lamp. The first step is to make lighting intelligent, by allowing real-time regulation of public lighting according to the activity in the street. By lighting only when necessary, energy savings of over 65% can be achieved.

Today, this technology is being made available to future connected and autonomous vehicles, which need to receive additional information about their environment: a vehicle has broken down several cars ahead, a pedestrian is hidden behind the bus I am preparing to overtake, etc. In partnership with Orange, Kawantech is adapting its technology to intelligent mobility. 5G will have a major role in its development.

Sources :
Full article: https://www.usine-digitale.fr/article/orange-inaugure-son-espace-orange-5g-lab-a-toulouse-dedie-aux-entreprises-du-grand-sud-ouest.N1117289